Frozen is an animated musical comedy that follows the epic of two sisters one of which, has magical powers and the power to freeze anything and everything she wishes, after a day playing in the snow with her sister Anna, Elsa accidently freezes her sisters heart and as a result,spends the rest of her young life in isolation, afraid for her sisters life and the lives of those around her, until one day her parents die and the kingdom needs a queen, so on the day she gets coronated as queen, things go awry and she ends up freezing the entire kingdom. Indefinately. Fantastic. Elsa runs away and holes up in her ice castle (that she made herself, obviously). Thus, this leaves Anna to find her and to eventually reverse the eternal winter, and naturally, chaos ensues. Anna still has the ice in her heart, because they couldn't remove it when she was little and it eventually leads to her being a frozen ice scuplture for about 5 seconds until, her sister Elsa reverses the spell by crying over her Han Solo'd sister.
I was really surprised by Disney's choice not to have the ending be a "prince meets princess and they fall in love" and instead opted for a more kind of realistic view and the fact that a sisters bond is very strong and that love doesn't always have to be romantic, it can be selfless and familially related as well.
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