Friday, March 28, 2014

"Better than Chocolate"

This movie is by far my favorite, it follows Maggie a closeted lesbian as she settles into her new life in Vancouver, there she meets Kim an out and proud lesbian, and the two start a relationship. Unfortunatley something Kim was not expecting shows up and disrupts their "honeymoon phase" Maggies mother. So as Maggie struggles to come out to her family, Kim struggles with not having a place to live and lives out of her van, and finally gets so fed up with Maggie waiting to tell her mother Kim eventually leaves. Then someone tries to blow up the bookstore where Maggie works, which is, evidently a gay bookstore, and her mother finds out and Kim comes back when she hears about the explosion to make sure Maggie is okay the two of them make up and end up kissing in the street as her mother watches. I love this movie because it has merit in the gay and lesbian community, because it teaches people in the community not to be afraid of themselves or their sexuality. Furthermore the people that we think will be shocked by our admission, can surprise us by being accepting.

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